Steps To Take When A Distracted Driver Injures You

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Distracted driving is dangerous to the driver and other motorists on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), every day, about nine people die due to distracted driving. In one year alone, 2.5 million car crashes occur because of distracted drivers. The worst part is that teenagers are notorious for using their phones while driving, leading to accidents. Here are steps to take when a distracted driver hits you.

Call 911

For starters, call 911 to report the accident, whether you have suffered minor or major injuries. If other passengers were on board, check on their well-being. The good news is that an ambulance will take you to the nearest hospital if you are badly injured. You can use the medical report as proof of the accident.

In addition, ensure you file a police report before leaving the scene. This way, you will have evidence when filing your claim. The information establishes the link between the auto accident and the damage.

Collect Crucial Evidence

After the accident, take photos of your car and that of the other driver showing the damage. Also, request the other party's name, contact information, and insurance details. Most importantly, note down the following:

  • The car model or make
  • License plate
  • Driver's license number

If you can recall the driver's behavior before the accident, write it somewhere. They could have been swerving, using their phone, or speeding. Such details will help you build a strong case against a distracted driver.

Don't Take the Blame

You might get confused after a crash due to the shock. When that happens, don't talk about the accident to anyone. Also, don't apologize for anything until authorities ascertain the root cause of the car crash.

If you take the blame, police officers might indicate that in their records. You might end up paying for the loss, even if you are the victim. Avoid saying sorry at all costs if you aren't sure of what transpired. Also, don't offer lengthy explanations about the car accident.

Contact an Attorney

Once you are stable enough to talk on the phone, hire an auto accident attorney. The expert will help you establish liability in a car crash. Also, a lawyer will fight for you in court and negotiate for compensation.

The aftermath of a car accident can be nerve-wracking. You need a car accident lawyer to help you get what's rightfully yours to settle medical bills. Also, the payment will assist you in repairing or replacing your automobile.

If you have more questions, contact a car accident lawyer.  
