Why Dumping Can Get You In Serious Legal Trouble

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The proper disposal of waste is an important part of keeping the environment safe and avoiding inconveniencing others. There are proper waste disposal methods for every item that is disposed of. However, you may find it more convenient to engage in other forms of dumping at night or you may use a waste disposal site that you do not have access to. Doing so can lead to criminal penalties.

Legal Dumping

When dumping on private or public property, the property must be properly licensed to receive waste. The waste must not be dumped into a sewer or waterway without a license. Even if you own the property, you are not allowed to allow someone else to dump waste if you do not have the proper license.

Dumping Vs. Littering

Illegal dumping is often distinguished from littering by the volume of waste that you dispose of. For example, if you toss a soda can on the ground, this may lead to a littering charge. However, if you dump all of your household garbage or abandon a refrigerator, this can lead to an illegal dumping charge. If you are not sure about how you should dispose of large amounts of waste, make sure to contact the city.

Dumping In Unauthorized Dumpsters and Garbage Cans

In addition to placing garbage by the side of the road or in a remote location, you will also be charged if you place garbage in a dumpster without permission or if you place garbage in someone else's garbage can without permission. You are always better off asking the property owner if you can use his or her private property for garbage disposal.

Felony Dumping

In more extreme cases, you might be charged with a felony. For instance, if you dump a large quantity of waste, this can lead to a felony charge. Also, if the waste is hazardous or if you have previous illegal dumping charges, this can lead to a felony.

If you receive a fine as a result of illegal dumping, you will want to make sure that you retain a criminal defense lawyer. While you are not required to retain a lawyer to represent yourself, being charged with a crime is a serious issue that can lead to a criminal record. You may be able to have the charges dropped. Even if you are not able to do so, you may be able to have the fine reduced.
